Beko Customer Service Number Malaysia, Contact Details
The contact detail of Beko Malaysia Customer Support Team like Customer Helpline Number, Support Email Id, Head Office Address and Dealer locations are listed below for the customers to get in touch with the company regarding pre-purchase and after-sale services offered by the company.
The warranty information is also provided in addition to these data to make the customer easy to know the company terms.
Beko is a major and small Electronic appliances Industry that was started in the year 1967 with its head office location in Istanbul, Turkey.
It is one of the leading European Household appliances brands. The company has over 100 years of history in developing domestic products.
The company is well-recognized brand for white goods in Malaysia and all over the world. It helps the customers in all needs by offering smart technologies, and stylish designs at reasonable price.
The company maintains high quality in its products and supplies about 300 successful patent appliances.It is best known for washing machines.
As on Average, the company product has been sold every two seconds around the world which include Washing machines, Vacuum Cleaners, freezers, dishwashers, coffee makers, Refrigerator, Dryer and blenders etc
It also offers great discounts on the product and services of Electrical Appliances across the Malaysia states.
Beko Contact Details Malaysia
Customer Service Number: +603-6157 8526 / +603-6157 8528
Timings: 10am – 5pm on weekdays / 10am – 1pm on Saturdays (Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays)
Products that have Beko Malaysia:
Refrigerator Types are:
Multi Doors,
Side By Side,
Double Doors Freezer Top,
Double Doors Freezer Bottom.
Laundry Typesare:
Front Load,
Top Load,
Washer Dryer,
Tumble Dryers.
Kitchen Types are:
Built in Oven,
Warmer Drawer.
Air Conditioner Types are:
ProSmart Inverter,
Deluxe Non Inverter.
For more details about products and its warranty, you can refer to the company Website.
For any suggestions or enquiries about the company and to drop a message directly to the head office in Malaysia, customers refer the Contact Form.
To submit the customer feedback and suggestions make use of the following social media pages.
Beko Malaysia Social Media Network: