Canon Canada Customer Service Number, Head Office Address

Canon Canada Customer Service Number and Head Office details are provided for customers to contact the company for general enquiry and to raise product related complaints.

Canon is a Camera and optical equipment company started in the year 1973 with its headquarters in Mississauga Ontario, Canada that manufactures full-color and black and white copiers, networked office systems, Facsimile Machines, Image Filing and Micrographics Systems etc.

It employs 170,000 people all over the world having a group of independent dealers and distributors which serve the market from coast to coast. It is wholly-owned by Canon USA which became an important part of Canon Americas’ marketing region. Digital Camcorders Binoculars, Personal Copiers, Faxphones, Bubble Jet and All-in-One Printers, Digital Radiography Devices; Cameras and Lenses including a full range of Digital SLR cameras etc are the different types of products sold by the company.

Canon Contact Number Canada

For any queries for your products, you can contact Customer Service Number is the same number for Customer Care Number to solve the problem related your products
Customer Service Number: 905- 795-1111

Canon Canada Head office address

If you have any unsolved issues you can complain directly to head office address mentioned below.
Head Office:
Canon Canada Inc
6390 Dixie Road,
L5T 1P7.

If you need any further information about the company can visit Website and you can also provide your feedback through Facebook.

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